Pre booking information
Please read before booking an appointment
Who to book with
Who to book with:
If you are after a consultation with one of our therapists, it helps us to know in advance what your concerns are. There is a box provided for any additional information relative to your appointment.
When to book with Registered Nurses: To discuss Dermal Fillers, Botulinum Toxin, Filler Threads, Lifting Threads, Profhilo, Sculptra, O-Shot and EmpowerRF.
When to book with Skin Therapists: To discuss Skin Concerns & Treatments, Skin Care products and Cooltech, Light Therapy for Sun Spots, Pigmentation, Redness & Rosacea, Dermal Needling, Morpehus8 Face/Body, Lesion removal, Cosmetic Tattooing and Women's Wellness with EmpowerRF.
Booking online info
We require information with every booking about the areas you would like discussed (for consultations) or treated if booking a treatment. Please give as much detail in the note section when making a booking online. Even if you have had treatment with us before, we will be required to follow up and ask if there is no note with your booking.
You can click the "more info" tab below each treatment and practitioner to read more information.