Importance of Double Cleansing

Importance of Double Cleansing

What does ‘double cleansing’ actually mean?
Double cleansing means to literally cleanse your skin twice! This is such an important step (one that is so often overlooked or skipped) particularly in the evening as our skin collects debris and bacteria throughout the day.
You can double cleanse with the same cleanser or you can step up your routine to include two corrective cleansers to specifically target your concerns.
Your skin will love you more for double cleansing! Here’s why..
- prepares your skin for the rest of your products - helps products penetrate more effectively
- promotes a healthy barrier for resilient skin
- kills harmful bacteria on the skins surface
- removes makeup and other products - removes excess oils
Ultraceuticals has an extensive cleansing range, book a consultation with one of our skin therapists to find out what your perfect cleansing routine is!
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